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    ANOTECH ENERGY SAS 112, avenue Kléber- 75016 PARIS, FRANCE
    Paris Trade Registry No. 493 046 676 Share Capital: EUR 100,000 European VAT No. FR 38 493046676
    Telephone: +33 (0)1 58 17 75 25
    Publishing Director: Frédéric JAMMES, General Manager
    Editorial Manager: Marlène SORE, Head of Communication

    ALTEN SA – 40, Avenue André Morizet – 92100 Boulogne Billancourt, FRANCE Nanterre Trade Registry No. 348 607 417 Share Capital: EUR 36 141 227,85 European VAT No. FR 79 348607417 Telephone: +33 (0) 1 46 08 72 00

    The ANOTECH ENERGY companies have their own legal existence and independent legal status. The company publishing this website is ANOTECH ENERGY SAS. “ANOTECH ENERGY” is sometimes used in this website for convenience where references are generally made to ANOTECH ENERGY SAS, and/or their subsidiaries and/or affiliates. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” are used to refer to any Anotech Energy company in general or to those who work for them. These expressions are also used where no useful purpose is served by identifying the particular company or companies. It cannot be inferred from these expressions that ANOTECH ENERGY SAS or any of its subsidiaries are involved in the business and management of any other ANOTECH ENERGY company and/or its affiliates and or subsidiaries.

    1. Intellectual property rights

    All documents, information, works, and elements incorporated in the present internet site (such as logos, texts, slogans, photographs, drawings, images, videos, animation sequences with or without sound) are the property of ANOTECH ENERGY SAS or of third parties who have granted ANOTECH ENERGY SAS permission to use them. Any use, reproduction, representation or modification, by any means and on any media whatsoever, of all or part of the documents, information, works, and elements of the present internet site without prior written permission from ANOTECH ENERGY SAS is strictly forbidden and constitutes forgery.


    Likewise, the ANOTECH ENERGY name and ANOTECH ENERGY logos are trademarks of ANOTECH ENERGY SAS Any use, reproduction, imitation, or apposition of these trademarks without prior written permission from ANOTECH ENERGY SAS is strictly forbidden and constitutes forgery.


    Copy, modification, or reproduction in any shape or form of the documents, information, works, and elements incorporated in the present internet site by any user thereof is forbidden. Users also undertake to comply with all applicable intellectual property rights provisions under French law.

    2. Guarantee and liability exclusion

    All documents, information, works, and elements appearing on the present internet site are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not subject to any guarantees whatsoever. Therefore, ANOTECH ENERGY cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of said documents, information, works, and elements appearing on the present internet site, as they may contain errors and/or omissions. ANOTECH ENERGY cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages resulting from any use made of the documents, information, works, and elements.

    3. Financial Information

    The present internet site is likely to contain financial information in various forms, for instance relating to ANOTECH ENERGY, strategy and/or its financial situation. Let it be known that these financial forecasts depend on several economic factors and are based on hypotheses. ANOTECH ENERGY cannot be held responsible for the lack of updates to this information, given the evolution of the factors on which it is based.

    4. Security

    ANOTECH ENERGY SAS undertakes to implement the necessary means to ensure the security of the documents, information, works and elements appearing on the present internet site. The user of the present internet site, however, undertakes to use the site in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable on the day of use of said site. Users also undertake to take all necessary security precautions in order to protect themselves from any viruses. ANOTECH ENERGY cannot be held responsible for the contamination of the hardware of any user of the present internet site during or following the consultation thereof. Users state that they consult the present internet site in full knowledge of the risks said consultation may incur, particularly with regard to the risk of data interception and/or alteration.

    5. Information Updates

    ANOTECH ENERGY SAS reserves the right to modify, at any time and without advance notice to the users of the present internet site, all or part of the documents, information, works, and elements appearing therein. The present internet site may possibly be unavailable during the implementation of this update. In any event, ANOTECH ENERGY cannot be held responsible in case of the present internet site’s unavailability for any reasons whatsoever.

    6. Protection policy of personal data

    Please click here in order to consult ANOTECH ENERGY SAS’ protection policy on personal data.

    7. Cookies

    The present internet site uses the Google Analytics service,

    an audience analysis service provided by Google Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files placed on the user’s hardware in order to help the present internet site analyse the use made thereof by each user. The data generated by these cookies regarding the use of the present internet site (including the IP address of every user) is anonymous. It will be transmitted and stored on servers located in countries across the globe and controlled by Google or its affiliated companies in exclusive ownership. Personal data is therefore likely to be processed on a server located outside the user’s country of residence.

    Google will use this data in order to assess use of the present internet site and compile reports on its activity for ANOTECH ENERGY SAS. Google is likely to provide this data to third parties in case of legal obligation or in case these third parties are processing the data on behalf of Google. Google will not cross-check user data from the Google Analytics service with any other data in Google’s possession.

    Users may deactivate the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate parameters in their browser. However, such a deactivation may prevent the use of certain functions of the present internet site. By using the present internet site, users expressly consent to the processing of their nominative data by Google according to the conditions and for the purposes described above.

    To learn more about the privacy policy applicable to the cookies used by the Google Analytics service, the user may consult the following page: http://www.google.fr/intl/fr/policies/privacy/

    8. Applicable Law

    The present Terms and Conditions are governed by French law. The courts of the city of Paris will have sole territorial jurisdiction for any disputes relating to the use of the present internet site.